Peer Review Process

In the initial stage, the editor will review every manuscript submitted to the OJS system and check whether the manuscript: 

(1) following the focus and scope of the ICMES Journal 

(2) following the template of Jurnal ICMES

(3) free from plagiarism (detected by Turnitin).

 If the manuscript passes the selection at the initial stage, it will be sent to peer reviewers. 

 The peer reviewer will review the manuscript content, including:

(1) Title: Does it effectively convey the content of the article?

(2) Abstract: Does it accurately provide information regarding the background of the problem, research questions, research methods, theories/concepts for analyzing, and research findings?

(3) Introduction:  Does it explicitly outline the problem under consideration (research question)? The introduction should provide a brief overview of the study background and present the previous research findings or any relevant information for debate.

(4) Result and Discussion: Is the article reasonably new, fairly deep, and fascinating to be published? Does it contribute to knowledge? Does the paper comply to the standards of the journal? Are the arguments given logical and based on the theory or concept that has been put forward?

(5) Conclusion: does it give answer to the research question given in the introduction?

After conducting the assessment, the reviewer will provide one of these 3 decisions:
(1) recommend that the manuscript be rejected if the quality is inadequate
(2) recommend that the manuscript be revised first by providing several inputs to improve the quality of the manuscript
(3) recommend publishing the manuscript without corrections (other than proofreading).

This process takes a minimum of two months. The reviewers are experts in Middle Eastern studies and have experience in academic writing.