Kerja Sama Uni Eropa dan Libya Dalam Penanganan Perdagangan Manusia Terhadap Migran 2017-2020
European Union and Libya Cooperation in Managing Human Trafficking Againts Migrant in 2017-2020
Libya is a transit country for migrants from the Sub-Saharan region,
North Africa, and the Middle East, while Europe was the main
destination for migrants and refugees. In 2016 a wave of migration
occurred in Europe, especially from North Africa to Italy. Migration
waves caused other problems, including human trafficking that
occurred among migrants, so the European Union and Libya
cooperate. This study aims to find out how cooperation between the
European Union and Libya can deal with human trafficking in the
period 2017-2020, as well as find out about the flow of migrants. To
answer this, the author uses the concept of international cooperation
and human rights used qualitative methods. In the process, the
researcher conducted interviews with experts. From this research, it
was found that both of them had a role. Several points of cooperation
could be overcome, but they still could not be resolved in the case of
human trafficking
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