Washington’s Jihadi Express (Wawancara dengan Direktur ICMES)

dina-3Bulan Mei lalu, Direktur ICMES, Dr. Dina Y. Sulaeman diwawancarai jurnalis internasional, Andre Vltchek. Dalam artikelnya, Andre mewawancarai banyak orang, antara lain sutradara film Jihad Selfie, Noor Huda Ismail, dua pengamat terorisme, Professor Iman Soleh and Professor Anti Bintari, dan seorang alumni ‘jihad’ Afghanistan.

Silahkan baca selengkapnya di sini: Washington’s Jihadi Express: Indonesia-Afghanistan-Syria-Philippines

Ini pernyataan Dina Sulaeman yang dikutip Andre:

“Jihad in Indonesia – against the Western imperialism? Oh no, no way…” smiles Dina Y. Sulaeman, an Indonesian political analyst, an author of the book “Salju Di Aleppo” (Snow of Aleppo):

“Jihad in which Indonesians want to participate is based on hate… In my book, I explain that the Indonesian fighters in Syria are mainly affiliated with several groups: ‘Ikhwanul Muslimin’, ‘Hizbut Tahrir’ and Al Qaeda/ISIS. Unfortunately these groups have supporters in Indonesia. They keep spreading fake photos and videos about Syria, to ignite sympathy, even anger of Indonesian people, so they give donations or even join jihad. It’s a good deal for them. They are waging ‘holy war’, they’ll go to heaven, and plus they get paid. They accuse president Assad of being ‘infidel’. That’s their rallying cry.”

salju di aleppo

Diterbitkan oleh ICMES Publisher

“Indonesian mass media ‘coverage’ is only directly translating what is said by the Western media: the CNN, the BBC and others…. If not those, then at least Al-Jazeera which is often even worse… As a result, Indonesians are ‘very concerned’ about Syria.’ Of course, in my books I’m trying to correct the misconceptions, but the propaganda apparatus is so powerful.”